Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sweet n' Savory Salmon Cakes

I have been preparing for a nutrition presentation I volunteered to give to a local school in the area.
I found out about it Monday and will be presenting tomorrow at 4:00 pm, or 1600 as Jon would say.

I am so excited to speak to them about healthy nutrition with a special focus on sports nutrition. Can't stress enough the benefits of sound nutrition on athletic performance. What to eat before training? What to eat after training? What to do the rest of the time?

You don't need to be a division 1 athlete to benefit from sports nutrition. Even if you are simply training for yourself, it is important to understand how to eat around scheduled workouts!

So I decided to add a small portion of my presentation to today's blog, because I truly think this could benefit anyone who works out!

PRE workout

 2-4 hours before workout
  • a meal with carbohydrates and lean protein
< 1 hour before workout (snack)
  • easily digestible carbohydrate
     Ex.  - Trail mix with dried fruit
            - Fruit smoothie
            - Fresh fruit with nuts

You do not want to be to full when starting a workout, but you do not want to be hungry either.

DURING workout

Drink water!

If you are training in hot weather, working out for more than 1 hour or sweating ++ then you need a beverage that provides electrolytes (sodium and potassium) and simple sugars.

Although sports drinks do offer this, they contain way too much sugar. Best to make the beverage homemade with 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup orange juice and a little pinch of salt.

POST workout

30 minute rule!

Get your nutrients in within 30 minutes of completing your workout to maximize recovery.

Consume a meal or snack rich in carbohydrates, protein and fat. The carbohydrates will replenish your glycogen stores and the protein will aid in muscle building.

Ex. - Chocolate milk
      - Pita with low fat cheese
      - Bread with natural peanut butter
      - Nuts and yogurt
      - Pita with hummus

Now for today's recipe!

Sweet n' Savory Salmon Cakes

What you will need:

  • 1 large fillet of salmon
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 cups of water
  • 3 bunches of green onions, chopped
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 1 tbsp of fresh dill
  • 1 large sweet potato
  • 1 egg
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 tsp hot sauce
  • 1 tbsp old bay seasoning (I use the low sodium kind)
  • bread crumbs (I use Panko bread crumbs)
  • olive oil
  1. Poach the salmon in water with bay leaves in a fry pan until salmon is light pick and flaky. What's poaching? Poaching is the process of gently simmering food in liquid other than oil. Make sure the water is fully covering the salmon.
  2. Meanwhile, peel and chop sweet potato. Place in boiling water until soft. And mash.
  3. In a bowl, combine chopped green onions, cooked salmon, mashed sweet potato, thyme, dill, egg, salt and pepper, hot sauce, old bay seasoning and 1/2 cup of bread crumbs. Mix.
  4. Pour out more bread crumbs on a plate (for coating the patties)
  5. Drizzle olive oil in fry pan. Heat on medium.
  6. Make 4-5 patties out of mixture, coat in bread crumbs and cook both sides in oil until golden brown.

Serve with steamed vegetables and a garden salad.

This recipe was inspired by one of Racheal Ray's recipe for salmon cakes! Delicious!

I hope you enjoy these delicious salmon cakes. If you ever have any questions or comments please send me an e-mail at!

Make healthy choices!

- Kimmie

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1 comment:

  1. Especially like the 30 minute rule! I could use that one more, and it may explain why I have a hard time building upper leg muscle- no protein/fat after I work out- I just eat salad and veggies usually! :) thanks Kim!
